1134 Hull St, Baltimore, MD 21230
is that the Locust Point Community Garden is a place where residents of all abilities will build friendships and promote health, well-being and sustainability through inclusive community activities
is that the garden will be a welcoming outdoor community place where the focus is on people, sustainable organic gardening, learning, teaching and healthy food choices
are to be welcoming, respectful, inclusive, innovative, collaborative, enthusiastic, and fun
To achieve our Vision and Mission, We will
allow members to participate in decision making and to consider the social and community impacts of the decision
work with and through others committed to building healthy and active communities
develop partnerships and networks with government, community, public and private sector
focus on the sustainability of programs and initiatives over the longer term
act against discrimination – treating everyone as “equal” and with respect
Our Community Garden will:
promote exercise and enjoyment of the outdoors
provide relaxation and alleviate stress through personal and group endeavors
connect people in our neighborhood
encourage inter-generational and inter-cultural interactions and learning
enable access to fresh nutritious food
offset greenhouse emissions by decreasing food miles
provide a means of action locally on global issues
beautify the community
be a champion for climate, environmental and social justice issues